I’m not quite sure what approach I want to take with future entries, bitch or not to bitch, that is the question. There are certainly many more on my complaint list, but I’m not sure this is what will tempt you to continue reading my stuff. Therefore, I will only provide you with two little sarcastic questions to end this short blog entry. I promise you that all the next ones will ooze optimism.
First question: Are they selling TV advertising time at bargain rates? Are the breaks getting longer and longer or is my memory just failing me? I’m able to go pee, peel and slice up an apple, salt it and even come back and watch a little Public TV before the damn program returns.
Second question: Have computers been given the power to think for themselves? I firmly believe they are getting to be a little like the “Hal” on 2001 space odyssey. They can change things, break things and do all sorts of things without me doing anything. And don’t tell me I must be doing something to cause it, I’m not that smart.
So long for now, see you in a couple of days.