Monday, August 15, 2011

Addiction and more

And another day begins.

When I turn my computer on in the morning I generally open up Freecell and play a few games, usually three or four. This kills a little time while the computer warms up and accesses all the programs. Several years ago I started doing this with game number one and proceeded to play them in numerical order. Some were easy, while some others took many, many tries over a period of days. I continued playing them in order with the exception of number 1941 which I was unable to solve and was put aside and attempted from time to time. This one too succumbed to my skills after a little clue from my daughter who had previously conquered it.

This morning I solved a milestone game, number 20,000. I know, I know, you’re going to tell me I’ve got too much time on my hands. You might be right, but remember it’s been many years since I started this and I only play a few games each time, but still, 20,000 is an impressive number. What do I do now, stop or continue? When I had hit 15,000 I was going to stop, but I guess I’m a victim of addiction. Must have caught it from my father who when he found something he really enjoyed he just couldn’t get enough of it. This held true with booze, beer, champagne, pistachio nuts, comic books and a whole bunch of other temporary addictions. I’ve fortunately eliminated most of my inherited traits, but I guess addiction is not one of them.

My recent one has been reading, mostly mysteries and thrillers. Since I bought that darn Kindle last September I’ve read over 100 books, probably more that all my previous 75 years. Oh well, can’t say this one is a bad addiction.

By the way, this “Gentleman Farmer” is having a problem with his crops this year. Unlike the bumper crop of Butternut Squash I had last year, the couple of plants I planted this year are yielding little. I tried Buttercup Squash this year and the five or six I planted from seed started out like wild fire but have all succumbed to some infestation and I had to pick a bunch of immature fruits. Thank heaven I don’t do this for a living.

Speaking of this year, do you agree with me that 2011 kind of sucks? Winter gave us a storm a week, then tons of wet weather and recently a bunch of muggy 90 degree days. I think we’ve only had a couple of those days you can call great. My personal year has also had a few ups and downs. Shoulder and arm problems screwed up an already shaky golf game. Played very few rounds this year, but several injections in the neck have taken care of most of it and I think I’ll be ready for fall golf. I recently spent three hours in the emergency room having them figure out if I was having a stroke. Turned out to be a case of Bell’s Palsy, thank heaven, but still not a pleasant experience. It appears to have gone away so it’s on to the next ailment. Vision in right eye seems to be deteriorating, so it’s off to my eye doctor next Wednesday. Got to take care of that, can’t interfere with my reading addiction.

I had a whole bunch of complaints left to go, but will save for a new Blog. You know I try to keep these things short.