Friday, May 18, 2018

Some real idle thoughts

I’m not sure this is the way it happened, but God must have had a few lonely moments, you know, after all the work was done.  Planets and moons all created and running just as planned.  This was way before all those other guys, you know Peter, Paul, Mary, and Joseph were around to keep him company.  Don’t know where Jesus fit into the picture.  Anyway, he looks over at the master to-do list to see what’s next.  There it was almost at the bottom of the page, item number 257,689,452,174…..In large capital letters:  WHY NOT MAKE SOMETHING TO PLAY WITH?  He twinkled his nose or ear, whatever he used to make these creations and immediately man existed.

Now what should I do with this new thing?  “I’ve got a great idea” he said as an evil little grin appeared on his face.  I’m going to turn its life around even before it starts. He will totally need help to begin his existence. He’ll have to be fed, bathed, carried, educated and prepared for the future.  After this initial stage he is sent out to labor for many years to earn and save enough so he might enjoy his future years.  Well ok, he worked hard, made enough money, so now enjoy!

But guess what?  This earning money stage seems to have worn out this fragile body I gave him.  Now he doesn’t have any pizazz to enjoy the fruits of his labor.  Additionally, prices have risen so much that he won’t be able to.  Besides, he now has to put a bunch of cash aside after he discovered out what nursing homes cost to live in.
Yes, his life has now come full circle, he’s old and he will again need to have someone feed him, bathe him, and even educate him to prepare for this new existence. 

Isn’t this whole life’s travel thing a little screwed up?  My mother-in-law (God rest her soul) always said that it’s all set up backward.  She said we should start out old, smart (had all those years to learn),  a little on the feeble side, and then begin an about face by starting to get younger, stronger and yes, a little dumber until we’re back in that comfortable infant stage where you’re being totally taken care of.

Yes, I have too much time on my hands.  My brain works overtime thinking about weird things.  Just the other day I was wondering why shoelaces on today’s fancy sneakers needed to be a yard long. They are always unraveling, loosening up, tripped on. I don’t think I should have to double knot them like a five year old to keep them secure.

I am also wondering why I’m writing this weird blog, but anyway, thanks for reading.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Golf're kidding?

I can’t believe that the last couple of weeks have been void of any new physical disasters, no additional broken teeth or bones, no added arthritic pains:  just the same old ones.  Didn’t even fall down or up the stairs once in all that time, hooray!  After escaping all of those potential disasters for so long I just knew  something would happen to screw up that painless record. 

That something was me saying yes to playing golf in a charity tournament this past Friday.  For some strange reason my brain had a brief short circuit and when I was challenged by my son and two of my son-in-laws to add my name to their foursome entry in a charity golf tournament I actually said yes. Well, since that happened a few weeks ago, all I’ve been able think about was how and why I could be that stupid and how terrible we play when the day came.

As it turned out the day was a delight.  Weather was great and we pretty much decided that we would just go out there and enjoy the occasion.  It was a great opportunity to spend some quality time with family and get a chance to watch some of the most ridiculous golf shots ever performed.  The fact that we had carts and the tournament was a scramble tournament (everyone hits from the spot where the best shot lays) made it possible for this “old guy” to actually finish eighteen holes of golf.  We were bad, but not the worst.  We ended with only one birdie and shot three over par but were not last as we ended up beating two or three other foursomes.  From a personal stand point I did have a few decent shots and a couple of nice putts, but more importantly I survived.

Mr. Pain wants to be the star today and though I’ve asked my buddy Tylenol to help me get rid of him he’s not getting the job done.  I think it’s time for the recliner and some shut eye……maybe I can dream him away.