Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I feel just like Superman when the evil villains were able to get him near some Kryptonite. My powers like his, have suddenly begun to disappear. Up to this point, my life has been virtually pain free, no back aches, strong like Polish Bull, able to walk into walls and not feel it, arm wrestle and beat even the youngest. Looking around me I could see the ravages of age on many of my acquaintances and felt that no way was that going to be me, I’m escaping all of that.

Well, my Kryptonite has finally found me. It’s not that “Green”stuff Superman had to deal with, mine is the 2010 Calendar that said, Bill, you’ve been beating the shit out of your body for 75 years now here’s what you should really feel like. And Mr.2010 started to show me. Stayed away from the golf course for many weeks this year with shoulder and arm pain caused by my friend Art Thritis pressing on a nerve. After treatment and shots, I finally cured that problem. Next on the list was a chunk of filling from a tooth which could no longer be patched up, thought that was it but started to have tooth aches on the other side. Shit, now there’s no place to chew. Forget the steak, big man, unless you win the lottery and can afford Kobe beef. Oh well, oat meal and farina should nourish me enough to stay alive. At least the body pains are gone and I can start thinking about golf and our annual Myrtle Beach trip.

Wrong!! Said yes again when I should have said no. Volunteered or coerced into setting up table for an AARP Christmas party. Myself and a two other seniors even older than me were the only help for the project. Of course because I am Polish and strong like bull I began to pick up and stack those heavy tables like I was thirty. Was going ok until I felt something in my lower back give way, now for the past couple of weeks I’m walking around like the hunchback of Notre Dame. What’s next?

Fortunately, during this painful period of recuperation I’ve been blessed with the company of a new friend whose name is Kindle. A few weeks ago I decided to purchase an Amazon Kindle and tackle some of those giant Stephen King books that have sat unread on the book shelf. I've been putting them off because they’re so damn big I can’t even take them to bed and read. Kindle solved all that. Since buying it I’m already on my twentieth book.
I downloaded a very inexpensive mystery book written my Lorena McCourtney. The book was book one of a four book series called the Ivy Malone mysteries. Never thought I would enjoy a book written by an older woman and one that had no profanity, no sex and even a little religion built in. I ended up reading all four of them and each time I finished the book I noticed that she listed her name, address, and even her email address. Thought I’d write and tell her how much I enjoyed them, never expecting to get a return response. But I did get one a couple of days later thanking me especially since she doesn’t have that many male readers and even commented that I had a very nice front door. That kind of floored me a little until I remembered that my Blog site address is listed at the end of my emails. It surprised me that she took the time to go to my Blog site. You will recall my last one which showed some of the new things we did at the house.

Since it’s time for New Year’s resolutions, I think one of mine will be to act my age and leave the bull work to the young guys. I’ve shaken most of the Kryptonite effects away and want to keep it that way. Of course, having a few pains in the back provides a great excuse for playing a lousy round of golf……might even get me a few extra strokes.

A random thought: Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.