Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What's Going On?

Doesn't this look great compared to the current
view from our windows.  We'll be looking at these type of views next week.  Taking a cruise on the new Royal Caribbean "Quantum of the Seas".  Looking forward to getting away from this wonderful New England winter wonderland.  

It's been a hectic month so far. Our children and spouses  recently treated Marge and I to a party to celebrate both our 80th birthdays.  The party started with a real surprise when we were greeted at the door by my sister, who came all the way from California. We had no clue that she was coming.  A very pleasant surprise because we had not seen each other in years.  A few others also traveled a good distance to join us, Marge's sister and Carol from New York, a Grandchild from New Jersey and my nephew Andrew and his wife Courtney from Maryland.  It was a super evening even though it was interrupted  by me when I had a little dizzy spell, went to sit down,missed my chair and ended on my ass.  Fortunately it is a fairly soft, large one, so no damage ensued.

All in all it was a wonderful end to a day that started out pretty crappy.  In the morning when we were headed to breakfast I began to back out of the garage, cut the wheel too sharply, bumped into  sewing machine cabinet (destined for the dump), pushed it into the wall, and made a hole.  Pulled forward and began to again back out, cut the wheel the other way and overcompensated, tore my side mirror of (by, by $400 or $500 dollars).  I have to say, however, that I maintained my composure fairly well, didn't throw anything, and didn't swear too much, only internally. I do have to admit that breakfast did not taste as good as usual after my unsafe driving performance.

Balance of the month did not fair much better.  Physical exam time at the doctors.  EKG showed some irregularity, so you know what that means.  See another doctor, more tests, 24 hour monitor, blood tests and you name it.  I'll tell you, getting old is a "Bitch" and don't tell me about those "Golden Years".  But it appears that I'll live to bore you some more with my tails of woe.

Oh, by the way, did I tell you I'm going to Myrtle Beach again with the boys to play some golf.  It's been two years since I've played.  There should be a ton of good stuff to write about after that trip...lol

Friday, January 09, 2015

I'm Back

I think I've run out of excuses for not posting anything to my Blog spot.  After complaining about my computer for months, I finally bit the bullet and went south for a new computer.  Once I finally made the mood I went hog wild and bought a new monitor (nice and big to accommodate an aging vision), a new laser printer, a new faster modem and even a new router (kept losing Wifi on the old one.  What a difference, now I only have to find the inspiration to get started again.  You kind of lose it after awhile.  I'm not sure that today is the day for any literary gems. This cellar office is so cold my fingers are getting stiff so I'm not sure I'll be able to jump start my brain.  I'll be satisfied to get a few words on paper. It would be a great start for 2015.  I really do enjoy writing  them and look forward to hopefully making my posts a regular, at least twice monthly, thing.

I thought today might be the time to update you about golf.  If you've read my past Blogs you know that I've pretty much given up on the game, not for lack of desire, but for a pronounced decline in golfing performance.  In fact the last serious golf I engaged in was back in March of 2013I was able to survive 7 complete rounds of golf in seven days in Myrtle Beach.  Since then the clubs have been gathering dust in the garage.  I have no idea how it happened, but in some sort of lost weekend type trance I am told that I said yes to joining the group on this years trip.  Heaven help me, these days I'm out of breath after one of my nocturnal bathroom trips.  This should be a trip to remember.  It should at least provide me with a great deal of Blog material when I get back.

Speaking of trips, we did go on one since the last time I posted anything.  Finally took that Branson trip that everyone talks about. 
Trip started out in Saint Louis, saw the famous arch, went to Hannibal, Mark Twain's home town, then to Branson, Mo., where we were able to enjoy five different shows in three days.
Pre show entertainment
  Unbelievable how many are available.  For the record, every audience was filled with no one but senior citizens.  Tour bus companies would file for bankruptcy without us.

Sun Studios where music history was made
Elvis's Graceland. Purchased when he was only 22
Final destination was Memphis Tenn where we toured Elvis Pressley's Graceland, Motel where Martin Luther King was assassinated, and the recording studio, Sun Studio where Elvis and the likes of Jerry Lee Lewis, Ray Perkins and Johnny Cash made an impact on the music world.

I've been trying to avoid all those getting old jokes that enter the internet.  Getting old is tough enough without being constantly reminded. The aches and pains are quite enough to keep us posted.. Unfortunately it's impossible to escape from one of those so-called  momentous birthdays, our 80th. Marge celebrated hers in December as will I in February so the kids are planning something next week to remind us.  I do hope they sent down to St. Augustine for a glass of water from that fountain of youth that Ponce De Leon was looking for.

Till the next time.