You’re discussing a TV show with
your wife and she asks, “What was the name of the guy who played the detective?” You are now in big trouble because you
remember his face, the part he played but damned if you could remember his
name. You know that at some time in the
future it will come to you, but when?
Might be five minutes, five hours, tomorrow or a few weeks from
now. To shorten the time you start
straining to remember, then you play the alphabet game starting with A to see
if by magic his name pops into your mind. A similar problem occurs when during
a conversation you are trying to use a word that just will not come to
mind. How many of you have gone through that? I know I have.
I can remember occasions where, as a result of one of my wonderful wife’s
questions, spent a great deal of time coming up with the name she asked
about. You finally stop the mental search
(giving up that is) and put it out of your mind, then days later the name pops
into your mind. Why? Has your hard drive been silently searching
and searching to come up with that answer.
Don’t know, but it always makes me marvel at what a strange and fabulous
thing the human brain is.
Sorry, I’m straying from the
reason I started this blog. Did you know
that there is a name for these strange lapses of memory? It’s called Lethologica and is a
psychological disorder wherein an individual temporarily forgets things like key
words, phrases, or names in conversation.