Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Renewed Interest

  My Twin Moai's  - Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum   

 Years ago a read a book called Kon-Tiki by Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl.  Heyerdahl had a theory that people of South America were capable of building vessels that were used to visit and settle islands in the southern Pacific. He had a 40 foot raft built and with a crew set out to test his theory.  During his epic 4300 mile trip a stop was made at Easter Island where he encountered strange statues surrounding the island.  Many years ago the, inhabitants, 3500 strong, carved over 900 of these statues called Moai.  Although only the heads can be seen standing, the torsos of these statues are buried many feet into the ground. At the time I found the information very interesting. A short time ago while on a cruise trip, we visited Heyerdahl's museum in Norway and had a chance to see the Kon-Tiki raft.  Once again my interest in Easter Island was renewed .  I began to surf the internet in search of more information on these strange statues.  During my search I noticed that replicas of these Moai were available as garden statues. I just had to have one.  I figured that since they were not made of granite, only made to look like it cleverly constructed from a resin and weighing around five pounds, I'd have no problem handling them.  I bought one, where else but from Amazon (although shipped from Home Depot).  Liked it so much, I bought his twin, also from Amazon, this one shipped from Walmart).
Anyway, I think they look damn neat in our landscape and they surprise the heck out of everyone that enters the yard.

"Just so you know",  I have not forgotten that I'm supposed to be "bitching and moaning " in this Blog.  Unfortunately we all have our priorities.  The past week or so mine was getting things wrapped up around the house before that white stuff sneaks up on us. Pool closing, septic tank cleaning, some long overdue landscaping projects, new lights in the garage etc, etc, etc.  While not actually writing, my mind is working overtime thinking about my personal bitches.  I'll be back  to normal shortly.