Monday, July 14, 2008


Watched "The Bucket List" a couple of weeks ago. The movie was blessed with two great actors, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. They're capable of making any movie a good one. Thinking about the two of them, I don't think they even have to act, that's really who they are. The only fault I had with the movie was that it was too damn depressing. Come on, two old guys sick and dying. Really cheers up someone my age.

Everyone knows "kick the bucket" means to die, but few understand why. Where else to go but to the web for answers? I found that it is said that the phrase comes from "an old-school suicide technique." The depressed person would allegedly stand atop a bucket with his or her head in a noose, then kick away the bucket and take a one-way trip to the great beyond.

This might be the answer, but here’s another, even more gruesome, possibility. Slaughtered hogs "were traditionally hung by their heels on a high wooden block." This block was called a bucket because the ill-fated hogs were hoisted with a rope and pulley in a manner similar to how a bucket of water is pulled from a well. "Supposedly, the hogs' dying struggles as they kicked against this so-called bucket led to the birth of the idiom."

I've continued thinking about the movie's theme and decided that everyone should make their own "Bucket List". A real private list, since I have no doubt that everyone's list would include things you didn't want anyone else to see. I'm sure all of you have thought about things you would want to accomplish. We have these thoughts, but eventually forget about them or bury them in some small corner of our brain. But, if we had them on paper we might give some serious thoughts about actually trying to get them crossed off the list.

So, with that in mind, I've decided to make a bucket list of my might just be just a mental exercise, but who knows, I might just get to cross a couple off.

Ok, let's see: Visit the pyramids, shoot my age at golf (only if I live to 95), lose fifty pounds. Well that's a start. The sexual ones will have to remain on my hidden list. I bet we'll all have some of them.

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