Monday, September 22, 2008

“BEE” lieve it or not.

Believe it or not the little bastards came back and screwed up another night out for us. We had a business meeting this past Friday afternoon and when we responded to the doorbell and opened the front door to greet our guest, their he stood with fear in his eyes and arms ready to protect his face. Couldn’t figure it out until we saw the yellow jackets swarming our house again and coming into the same place we had previously sprayed. Our exterminator must have used a generic or these damn things have begun to mutate and develop an immunity. Well, I wasn’t too worried since their previous entry hole was plugged up. Figured we could enjoy the play we were going to see that evening and call him back in the morning, but unfortunately, or fortunately Marge is gifted with the hearing of a freakin deer and said listen to this. She dragged me into the dining room and said listen. Appears she now could hear them in the dining room ceiling. Well, with my hearing declining dramatically as I work thru these so called golden years those bees would have to be shooting off cannons for me to hear their buzzing. Well, for me that called for a trip outside to see if they were indeed coming in. I didn’t have to search long, the north side of our house looked like a landing strip on a world war II aircraft carrier.

Now what do we do, to see the play or not to see the play, that is the question. The answer came quickly, call our now regular visiting exterminator and kill-um quick before they eat thru another ceiling and we come home to thousands of uninvited guests. Here's a picture of our first invasion.

Won’t bore you with all the details, but begging got him here from Old Saybrook, Connecticut and it appears the problem is solved…….hopefully.

Saturday and Sunday turned out a hell of a lot better. Golf was good, my partner and I beat our opponents three ways with two greens and a birdie. Sunday it was on two our winery visits.

Great stop in Wallingford at the Gouveia Vineyard. Gorgeous place high up on a hill overlooking some great scenery. Cheese, crackers, a bottle of wine, what could be better. Then it was off to Chamard Vineyard in Clinton, CT. Nice bottle of Chardonay and some more cheese and crackers. Finally a trip to Lenny and Joes Fishtail for a good New England Lobster roll with melted butter. Stress relieved, bees a forgotten issue.......maybe.

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