Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day - 2009

I sat down at my computer this morning with the intention of composing an addition to my ”Blog” site. When I keyed in the date I realized what day this was, the “High Holiday” of romantic gift giving to wives, girlfriends, mistresses, and teachers. Oh Oh, here we go again…….nothing really against the day, but after being married for fifty four and one half years, do you have any idea how difficult it is to make yet another day memorable.

Think about it, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas, Birthdays, that’s four a year times 54.5. Two hundred eighteen unique, thoughtful gifts. Mind boggling isn’t it. What should I do? We’ve already not given ourselves gifts on a few occasions like this last Christmas. Can I get away with another one even though it is the one romantic one that reminds your loved one that you still care? Well I guess that statement pretty much gives me my answer, but what do I get for the 55th time? Candy, no we’re on diets, jewelry, no, done that one many times, don’t forget this is the 55th time.

Well, I guess it’s going to have to be flowers. Price Chopper here I come. My God look at all the flower displays, roses everywhere and such beautiful arrangements, but look at the “freaking” prices, forty and fifty per dozen, not like it was fifty five years ago. At today’s prices I could have bought an entire garden. Well, stepping away from all those high priced (perfect for the young guy trying to impress) ones, I ventured into the old guy’s section. Look at that…..I was immediately attracted to three pretty yellow roses with fake diamonds inserted in them and accompanied by baby breath and some additional unidentifiable piece of vegetation. Actually it was very pretty for the modest price of $9.99. Well, naturally it came home with me. I found a great little vase, trimmed the flowers and made a valiant effort to arrange them perfectly. In doing so I proceeded to almost knock the head off one of the roses. Really a bit of a disaster when you only start off with three, but I neatly propped it up, at least until Marge had a chance to see them.

All’s well though, I really think Marge liked them and was a bit surprised that this old fart made the effort.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my women readers.

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