Saturday, January 02, 2010

Happy New Year

Have you noticed that the older we get the faster time goes by? It seems like we just watched the ball go down for 2008 and here it goes, down for 2009, and I can’t believe it’s already ten years since we were panicking over the coming of Y2K and everything that would happen. I for one could have used a few more months of 2009, but here I am, already into a couple of days of 2010.

Every year when we watch this event and marvel at the crazy million people standing in the street we ask the same question, where the hell do all these people pee. They must have the bladders of elephants or the bulges in their clothes are nothing more than Depends. Well we weren’t there and bladder problems didn’t exist. Had our friends over where it was nice and warm, the bubbly was poured, hugs, kisses and best wishes were extended and we gave ourselves the usual pat on the back for staying awake long enough to experience another goodbye to the old and hello to the new.

What’s the new going to bring? Obviously none of us know, but we’re going to again declare a whole bunch of resolutions, all designed to keep us healthy enough to carry us through another year. Most will be quickly abandoned, but I’m happy to announce that I kept one going for all of 2009.

Last year I resolved to lose some weight. No crash thing, just an attempt to alter my life style a little. I’m proud to say that it worked, total weight loss for the year, forty six pounds. Planned to do my best and continue the adjustment in 2010, want to lose another fifteen (twenty would be great, but I have to be realistic). Am also going to try and set up an exercise program at the YMCA, but that might be a tougher resolution to keep. Will keep my fingers crossed.

Here’s wishing you success with yours if you’ve made them for 2010.

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