Now I’m really ticked off. I’m down here in my cellar office (32 degrees when I walked in) finally writing a blog entry. Well, after spending a half hour creating I reached over for something and hit some damn key and deleted the whole freaking thing. Probably serves me right for not saving the document every so often. The bad thing is that because of my frozen brain I’ve pretty much forgotten what I had written. Why the hell did my grandparents ever settle up here, didn’t they know that there was a place called Savannah and boats actually went there. I know it was the late eighteen hundreds, but didn’t Grandpa Joe know you could play golf there all year, or wasn’t golf even created yet. New England can be beautiful, but you have to admit that from a weather stand point it’s pretty weird. Zero out there now but a week or so ago 32 friends of mine were playing golf at a local course in 61 degree weather. Oh well, to old to move, have to be satisfied with my one week of Myrtle Beach golf in March.
I went up stairs to warm up my fingers for awhile. Temperature down here now is now a balmy 43 degrees. Wow, that heater’s really cranking now…not! Well since the name of my blog site is Rhino Roars, I guess I should at least include a little growl. Last October we had freak snow storm that left most of Connecticut out of power for quite a few days. At our house it was five. Well of course we gave thought as to why we should pay for all our cable services, internet, phone, cable. What should we do about it? Somewhere we heard you needed to call the Cox Cable and report your outage. My very efficient wife did just that after our services were renewed. Well here it is January 16, 2012 and no credit has appeared on our past three statements. What are they waiting for? I guess until I forget the whole thing. I do know that if I buy a movie on demand the charge appears immediately on the next statement. I guess I have to call (I really hate these kind of calls) to find out what is going on. Well guess what, we now have a credit balance on our account in the amount of $38.36. Good for at least a dinner out for the two of us. How many people out there have not received a credit? I can only imagine.
What else is new with Bill? Not very much. Still too much time on my hands, have read nearly 150 books on my Kindle. Granted they are not super long ones, but I have knocked off a few 1000 page Stephen King books. I’ve generally stuck to Mysteries or Thrillers. No serious educational stuff for me, read only for pleasure, too old to learn any more stuff…lol. That hard drive in my brain is already full of too much stuff, really should do a condense before I put any more things on it.
I do wish I could come up with some new things to bitch about. I hate repeating myself by moaning about the length of commercials on television, the lousy service in restaurants, the developing aches and pains in my aging body, the deterioration of my golf game, and traffic on the highways. Wow, I’m sounding like a broken record…..have to get a life besides, reading, cooking, and playing Freecell (completed 20,710 consecutive games). Think I’ll start including some of my recipes in these blogs again.
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