Monday, May 21, 2012

Long Time No Blog

I realize that it is hard for you to believe that I really enjoy doing these entries to my Blog site, but I do. I still have a problem wondering why I can’t seem to do them on a regular basis. I think it goes back to my high school and college days when a term paper was due on Monday and I was on the couch watching 60 minutes on Sunday. Thank heaven for my mother who would get on my behind and get me going. Otherwise I’d be up at six on Monday rushing to get it done. I always have something on my mind to write about, but for some strange reason I just can’t seem to get going. Although my mother has been gone for quite some time and can no longer crack the whip I’m fortunate to have a very good Canadian friend who seems able to spur me on to the keyboard. Have absolutely no idea why he likes to read my stuff, but without him giving me an occasional push, my Blog site would go the way of like a Texas ghost town with cyber tumbleweed blowing thru my computer. Wow, pretty poetic, say what? Any way, here I am again. I probably do have a few good reasons for not doing any entries this past month………it’s been a busy one, starting with cataract surgery on my left eye along with the required doctor visits. Happy to report that it went well and I can see like an eagle now. I’ll even be able see where the ball lands after some of my huge drives (all of 150 yards now). My involvement in Church activities has also kept me busy. 60th Class reunion meetings (Guess whose running that), Men’s Club meetings which include Scholarship application reviews. Work on a “Hot Dog Night” at church, AARP meetings. I better stop now because I know I’m boring the hell out of you by now. It hasn’t been all work type stuff. Marge and I had the great pleasure of attending our grandson Robert’s college graduation at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York. This was two day affair for us since the day before graduation he was honored along with only 37 others for achievement in an Honors program. The following day graduation for 1012 students was held out on the lawn of this spectacular campus on the shore of the Hudson River. The night before we took Robert out to dinner at a unique, out of the way restaurant that specializes in utilizing mostly all locally grown products. Even after all my eating experience we were exposed to stuff I had never heard of. One of the vegetables used in the menu was “Ramps”. Ever hear of it……look it up. The name of this restaurant was named “Red Devon”. Had to look that one up too. Found out it was a breed of cattle with a ruby red coat originally from Devon, England. It’s never too late to learn. Weekend didn’t even slow down on Sunday. Went to church twice, once in the morning at our church and then to a wonderful Mass at Saint Joseph’s Cathedral in Hartford celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the cathedral’s consecration in 1962. The ceremony was spectacular beginning with an organ, horn and choir concert. 210 Diocesan Parishes were represented along with many other active and retired bishops and a large contingent from the Knights of Columbus. After all this activity Marge and I went to a local restaurant for nourishment and relaxation. It was at this quiet dinner that I learned that my weekend and day was not over. Lo and behold I still had a Birthday Party for my 14 year old granddaughter to attend. Pretty busy stuff for an old guy like me. Oops, almost forgot, we have a concert to go to tonight. Two of our grandchildren will be tooting horns for us at a middle school jazz concert. Thank heaven I had the energy this afternoon to make a nice meat loaf for supper. Sorry these past few days gave me nothing to bitch or roar about. I’ll try to make up for it on the next one.

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