Recently a dear friend of
mine told me that my Blogs are too centered around advancing age and the
troubles the aging are experiencing. I
told him he was probably right and that I would try to make my writing more
cheerful and youthful. As you have probably noticed none of these promised
blogs have appeared. I’ve been
scratching my head trying to come up with ideas to fulfill this promise, but,
you know what, I can’t seem to come up with anything. You know why?
I looked at my calendar and discovered that I was going to celebrate my
83rd birthday this coming Wednesday.
I guess you can call that pretty old and my life style has adjusted to
the situation. Here’ are some of the
signs that prove the point.
Instead of hopping down
stairs, I seek, find, and hold on to the bannisters. Read somewhere about how
many fall down accidents occur at home.
Got hearing aids so that I can know what everyone is saying about me. Go
to bed at 9:30, get up around four times to pee, and make the final stay up
rise around 4 or 5. Get all my morning
chores done before seven and sit around trying to figure out what to do the
rest of the day. Need I say more? Bob, I don’t think you can look forward to
many exciting young stuff….sorry. It’s time
for me to go back to the basics.
If you know me you will
recall that I have always had an opinion on just about everything especially if
it is something I’m not agreement In an
effort to be heard by an audience larger than just my poor wife and an
occasional family member I set up the Blog page you are now reading. It’s call rhinoroars for a good reason.
It became a great a vehicle for me to get out all my bitches and
frustrations. So far I’ve published one hundred and thirty five blogs, almost
all bitches. Just so you know, most of
you have been in agreement with most of them.
Here’s a small
example. On almost a daily basis I drive
down the hill to Price Chopper and do a little shopping. With only two of us in
the house we are rarely in desperate need of anything, but I go to get away
from this computer, the TV set, and the miserable programs available to us
during the day. Besides the store is
large so it gives me a chance to at least get a minimum amount of exercise for
this decrepit body of mine. I’m a pretty
good observer so I have a good idea where everything is in the store (I end up
helping many confused women that I find gazing and bewildered in the aisles of
myriad choices) and what the prices are. What pisses (pardon the language, but
remember I’m old and supposed to get away with it) me off is the stores attempt
to con us when they publish their weekly special paper. Marge and I love sea scallops so I always
peek at the prices in the hope I can catch a special. They usually cost $18.95
per pound, a little dear, but you can normally buy the broken sea scallop
pieces for $8.99 per pound regularly. Well last Sunday’s paper showed me I’m now
able to save $3.00 per pound at the special price of only $9.99 per pound. Come on now, what am I stupid? No, but the average shopper does not have the
time to pay attention to things like this. If you have the time like I do to
really look at these things you would find many more efforts to con the average
I’ll keep looking for
some of these and will post in future blogs.
I have to quit now and try to start getting back to my “bitch zone”. Thanks so much for reading.