Thursday, February 01, 2018


I used to be the toughest person in the world to wake in the morning when I was functioning in life as an un-retired working dude. My wife had the hardest job trying to get me up and out of the bed.  Her screams at me weren’t paid attention to and were so annoying to me that I told her that if there ever was a divorce it would be the result of her mean attempts to wake me.  Well today as almost every has day has been since retiring was a 180 degree turn around.  Of course it might be caused by the fact that I go to bed about four hours earlier than I used too. It now seems that my Polish peepers don’t want to sleep later than the usual 4:00 am.  What the hell do you do at that ungodly hour?  My usual is to watch about six news channels before getting restless and getting out of bed. Today I lasted till 5:30, got up, went through my morning cleanup ritual, took my first batch of the fifteen daily pills doctors have prescribed over the years, made breakfast, a big pot of chili, meat loaf for supper, washed dishes, sat back and checked the clock. Back to the pills before I go any further, how the hell does our bodies separate and figure out and what the hell to do with all those pills taken at the same time?  My goodness, it’s already almost eight o’clock.  Now what? 

All this is a major change in life style.  What else has changed?  Well, when I used to deer hunt Vermont streams posed no obstacle, just jumped on the stones in the stream and pranced across.  Perhaps pranced is not the right word, but I did scamper across safely for years. Now descending stairs requires a sturdily held banister. Bringing the weekly trash out to the street has become the major exercise of my Wednesdays. My other major….lol exercise program is numerous night walks to the bathroom after taking one of my three times a week water pills.

Television has become boring, boring, and completely predictable. If you’re familiar with the phrase “Jump the Shark”, ninety percent of the shows have already done it many times.  At least I have my Kindle loaded with books to at least keep my brain alive and stimulated. 

Thinking about changes resulted in coming across one thing that has not.  My appetite is as fierce as ever, love to eat (everything but bananas), I love to eat out, love to cook.  Even love to shop for food…what a weirdo, huh?  It does, however, create a problem.  Have to control quantities since, as most of you know, I tend to be a large person and have no desire to get larger.  Doing ok so far.

I do hope I’m not the only one to have some of these problems.

Till the next time.

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