Sunday, April 29, 2018

Here's whats going on.

Stay on your feet Dad.  This is what my kids are saying to me after they learned that I had taken a tumble down the stairs leading from our family room.  I'm able to joke about it since the trip down the stairs was uneventful from a pain stand point.  It seems I’ve learned the art of soft landings on these types of mishaps.  I could have totally avoided the whole trip if didn’t have glasses in both my hands returning them to the kitchen.  While falling I tossed them all back into the room, knocked a picture off the wall and gently let my ass hit the ground.  Turned to be a very good landing, but scared the hell out of Marge.   This became just another reason why I’m always writing about advancing age and the so-called “Golden Years”.  It was also a reinforcement of why we should always use railings during these marvelous years.  Good balance has become a thing of the past.  Memories of hopping on rocks to cross streams during hunting trips in Vermont is just what it is….only a memory.

Ok what else is going on with this old guy?  I recently broke a tooth off at breakfast on a piece of Italian toast.  Have to go and have a tooth added to that partial.  Might just as well have all the rest checked at the same time since I want to make sure I have the weapons to chew with on our upcoming July cruise.  Well how do you like that?  Found out that all those remaining weapons I have are tired and are ready to go the same route that the one attacked by toast had taken.  Well, how exciting is that?  Now I'll have a month or so of dentist trips while sporting  a smile that could get me a job on Hee Haw if the show was still on TV.

Oh, by the way, after almost three years not playing golf I agreed to play in a family foursome during  an upcoming charity tournament.  That should be a sight to behold.  The thought of practicing a little before the event crossed my mind but was quickly dismissed.  I did decide, however, to go in the garage to  check my clubs. Found out that I had no balls (gave them all away figuring I had no use for them), but I did have clubs, so I took the driver out and took a few swings.  Found out that along with not having balls I no longer had a swing.  The only bright note is that the tournament is a scramble and I might be able to help a little with the putting.  Should be quite an experience.  At least I’m still a “scratch eater”.

I think Will Rogers once said “Never miss a chance to shut up”, so that’s what I’m going to do.

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