Tuesday, June 19, 2018

True Story

I know this is going to be hard for you to believe, but it is the truth.  Over the past couple of weeks I have been involved in five funerals.  These funerals were all the result of untimely deaths that placed me in the unenviable position of having to handle every detail that not only included body removal, but service preparation, ceremony and final burial detail.  My prepared services will be held roadside on Wednesday morning when the five double bagged Price Chopper coffins make their way down my driveway in preparation for transport to where ever my weekly garbage is taken.

Oh, come on, you didn’t really thing I was writing about humans, did you?  This whole situation has been the result of a tremendous population growth of Chipmunks who have decided that our house and grounds were their house and grounds.  They have been running around willy-nilly all over the place all this spring.  Unfortunately for five of them (so far) their erratic behavior resulted in their falling into what is a difficult to escape from swimming pool.  Reminds me of the pied piper attracting the suicidal lemmings.  So that became my need for body removal.

I don’t know how many more are still living with us, but several are still prancing around the yard.  I know that I probably appear callous writing about their unfortunate demise, but I want you to know that I  think they are adorable and hate to see them die such a tough death.  I’d rather watch them look like Chip and Dale as they scurry around eating my spilled bird seed.

Ok, let’s get away from the sad chipmunk story….new subject.  Had a very nice Father’s Day this past weekend.  Most of you know that Marge and I have been blessed with four great children and four equally great spouses.  We had the opportunity to spend some time with all of them on Sunday.  Breakfast with our son Bill and family, a little afternoon wine with daughter number one Mary Ann and son-in-law as we conditioned the pool for the next chipmunk suicide.  Next was dinner with our number four youngest daughter Kathryn and family and then a twilight visit with daughter number two Karolin and family.  How lucky can one be?

I have been trying very hard to not be political in these little Blogs of mine, but it is getting tougher and tougher to do so.  Please, you elected officials of ours, start using whatever brain the good Lord has blessed you with.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Trying something new.

Well, it’s been nearly a month since I made an entry to my Blog site….shame on me again!  I really do not understand why this continues to happen.  I’m not lying when I tell you that I love doing these entries, and love hearing that some of you actually enjoy them.  I really have to figure out a way to get on some sort of regular schedule.  Some of the world’s prolific writers who churn out book after book have it figured out.  They treat writing like a regular job, wake up, dress, have breakfast and go to the computer and begin their work day consisting of x number of hours.  I’m sure that they go blank in front of the screen on occasions, but the next day they’re back on schedule again.

Since I have “do a blog” on my calendar and advance it every day even when I fail to write anything , I guess I’m on the right track,  but I firmly believe my computer is cursed.  I come down to my office to look up specific things and or work on my Blog, but then get sidetracked so badly after peaking at the web to check the news,  stop on face book to see what the family is up to,  and a look at my emails to see if anyone still remembers my address.  By the time I’ve gone through all of these stops, and responded where needed, I have completely forgotten the purpose of my office visit and too much time has run out to even consider writing a decent blog.

There are also other problems.  Many of you know that I enjoy cooking, so many times after deciding what I wanted to have for dinner, pork, chicken, beef, pasta etc., I would begin checking out recipes for my chosen meal.  Do any of you have any idea how many recipes are available on the internet?  Invariably I will find several that deserve to be printed.  Ok, there’s another hour not dedicated to my Blog.  

I guess I could kill another hour coming up with more reasons for not writing, but I just decided that I’m going to give this thing the “old college try”, where the hell did that phrase come from?  I will hence forth dedicate a specific time and day of the week to just sit and write something.  I’m sure there will be days when I actually have some decent ideas and others where I draw blanks.  I hope this works out and I’ll be more consistent with my Blog entries.  Your opinion is always welcome.