Saturday, June 30, 2018


In my last blog I committed to writing something each week, so here I am.  Unfortunately I’m still faced with same old question, what should I write about?  After staring at the empty screen for a while I decided to go back to my specialty, bitching.  Wow, instant relief, my stiff arthritic fingers, loose as a goose now, actually jumped onto the keyboard in preparation for the creation of another literary masterpiece. 

Who am I kidding?  Unless I jump onto the political bandwagon which I vowed not to, my bitches pretty much remain the same except that all the source material seems to get more and more annoying. It should be providing me with plenty of ammunition to continue my “roaring.   

Unfortunately today is not the day for it.  Today is Tuesday the day before I have a dentist appointment to extract all my remaining teeth. When I say remaining, that amounts to six teeth that need to depart.

I hate to sound like a weakling, especially since I come from 100% Polish stock, but I’ve not been able to concentrate on much of anything except for the unpleasant thoughts of the dentist chair.  I don’t even want to watch reruns of Tool Time for fear of possible scenes using pliers….lol.  I realize that it’s a lame excuse for avoiding the job, but I’m going to use it anyway. 

This thing with the teeth brings me back to the hard work it is to grow old.  Not an easy task and requires a real adjustment to how life in the 80’s needs to be approached.  Modern approaches in nutrition, and available medical tests for serious ailments are keeping us alive far beyond what our bodies were created for.   Just look at the number of people you know who have had, knee, hip, and other replacement, my teeth among them.  These body parts were never meant to last this long.

This makes it necessary to make major changes in how we function. Balance is now shaky, walking very unsteady, and stumbling because we’re not lifting our feet high enough, or perhaps the carpet is growing and getting higher. Please note:  my small attempt at humor in this cynical Blog.  A few years ago Occupational Therapist was a profession not everyone was familiar with.

Is there a plus to getting old?   I suppose a few insignificant ones like senior discounts……I stopped here to think of some more, but I’m at a complete loss.  Damned if anything comes to mind.  I need help.  If you can think of a bunch I’ll use them in a positive type of Blog.

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