Monday, August 13, 2018

Here I am, back again

I know, I know.  I promised something every week, but as they say promises are made to be broken and I for one don’t want to mess up the prophecy.  I have no real excuse, but this year has been a little strange.  Weather-wise it has been very poor.  Winter was miserable.  It seems we had snow or freezing rain on a regular basis.  We had no spring, it was the same as winter, only slightly milder.  The terrible spring turned right into a lousy summer.  Hot, humid and frequent rain that turned this area into Seattle, Washington.  When we started to look at the so-called summer good times, even the 4th of July Holiday escaped us weather-wise.  Then a summer arrived that began to make the outdoors feel like a South American rain forest.

Add to that I had my dental experience this summer having six teeth extracted and getting used to new dentures.  Timing for this new adventure couldn’t have been worse.  We had a family cruise schedule a few days after slapping in those new pearly whites.  First day of this great trip had a dinner in Montreal scheduled.   Where was it scheduled?  Naturally, a steakhouse.  Here’s a guy who can only comfortably handle a diet of mashed potatoes and is handed a menu that only offered steak or chicken.  Thank heaven with a little sad persuasion I was able to get a piece of fish from the chef.  (hooray, it was very good and I was able to nourish myself).

The cruise except, for my culinary experiences, turned out to be great. Weather was splendid. Not anything like the wet humid sauna Connecticut was experiencing at the same tie.  Canadian Provinces were wonderful stops.  Marge and I went on our first ever sailboat ride, a 42 foot schooner on one of Quebec’s largest lakes.  Saw Alexander Graham Bell’s home along with great views of bald eagles.  As I was writing about the weather I thought I heard it raining again.  Went up from the cellar and looked out at the most savage downpour you could imagine.  Well here it goes again, time to let more water out of the pool.  It seems to never end.  The only plus is the change from brown to green grass again.  Almost like overnight.

Oh, be the way, now that I’ve adjusted a little to the teeth situation we’ve begun our annual lobster roll excursions.  This year I started off by making my own.  Two nice size lobsters steamed at Price Chopper, picked by yours truly,  saute’d in butter and lemon and filled in a buttered and grilled hot dog roll proved a fine start to our lobster season.  We topped that off with Close Harbor’s rendition the other day…equally delicious especially when accompanied with parmesan cheese coated French fries.

Well, I’ll close now and go to seek some more exciting bitches.

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