Thursday, October 20, 2022

What happened to the Blogs?


Where’s your Blogs?   I’ve received several inquiries like this that made me both happy and sad.  Happy to know that there are people out there that appreciate and miss my literary genius…….only kidding, but sad because my laziness has kept me away from the keyboard.  Actually I don’t think it was laziness that kept me away, it was that damn Cov-id situation.  It stole years from my life.  At my age time becomes a valuable asset so you would like to enjoy it as much as you can.  Having to sit in the house watching the “Boob Tube” does not count as enjoyment in my book.

In addition, the Cov-19 thing has managed to screw up so many things. It’s almost too sad to write about it.  I didn’t feel you wanted to hear more about all the bad situations it created.  Astronomical gas prices, being robbed with increases in the grocery store, finally going out to restaurants that haven’t enough help to serve you, and losing your appetite after reviewing the menu prices.  I could keep going on, but by this time you’re aware of all these things.  So it isn’t being lazy that kept me away from the Blog, but just plain sad that I couldn’t find enough good stuff to pass along.

With a name like “Rhino Roars” I’m supposed to and am entitled to bitch and moan about things in my exciting life.  I feel I’ve accomplished that task in my past nearly 200 entries, but so many of them have been repeated so many times I feel I just have change my way of looking at things and recognize some positives. Take for instance, all the new jobs that have been created.  Not new, but greatly expanded.  In the super markets all the price labels on the shelves are now brand new.  How nice they look and just check the many new ways they’ve used to present all those so called “great deals” in efforts to confuse us.  Printers must be working overtime to stay up with the constant, all most, changes. And just think of all the part time workers that had to be hired to come in at night to sit in a chair and insert all those new ones on the racks.

Before I forget, I’ve actually had a few good things to report.  Recently I was lucky enough to get a plumber to come to the house on time as promised) to do four fairly minor repairs.  Job well done and price fair.  That for me deserves a definite high five.  Even had a few medical things go well…..some surgery, problem fixed.  A diagnosis change that solved a problem.   See Bill, everything can’t be bad.

I cannot end this Blog without bitching about Television.  Probably my imagination, but don’t you think that they’ve even gotten more numerous and longer?  And don’t you agree that 90% of them are either for cars or drugs you never heard of before.

Hey, I’m stopping now, have to save some for the future.   Before I end I apologize for taking so long to send something and also to thank you for continue reading.  By the way thought you should know I’ve kept my brain alive by constant novel reading on my Kindle……..just a little over 1000 books since my Kindle purchase.

Here’s the long awaited recipe:  New Britain Connecticut is home to several restaurants claiming they make the greatest of hot dog sauce.  Here’s one from one of them.


1 small onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, crushed

1 tablespoon oil

1 pound hamburger

2 cups water

3 teaspoons chili powder

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon paprika

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon allspice

1 teaspoon celery salt, Salt and pepper to taste

Brown onion and garlic in oil.  Add meat and brown slightly.  Add water and stir to break up meat as fine as possible.  Add remaining ingredients and simmer until mixture thickens.


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