Monday, February 18, 2008

Rhino's roaring again!

Does anyone else out there think that the number of commercials on television is getting ridiculous? When I can get out of my recliner, go upstairs, make a coffee, grab a snack and even take a leak and not miss any of the show I was watching, something is wrong. Are they giving away advertising time these days? With so many channels and so much air time, advertising prices must be ridiculously cheap. Are the networks using grocery chain store ploys, "Buy one get one Free"? And have you ever seen so many car ads, and drugs ads. I can't believe how many drugs there are that I have never even heard of. I firmly believe they develop the drug and then invent a disease for it.

The commercials really frost me. We pay dearly every month for cable, with prices going up on a regular basis and still have to watch so many. I think a half hour show is only about twenty minutes long. And heaven forbid that you have a sleepless night and want to occupy yourselve with a little tv watching.......hope you like thirty minute commercials ( infomercials ).

Then we have the whole High Def thing. How many people bought those beautiful flat screen sets expecting that super sharp, big picture. What a surprise, fork over a couple more sawbucks and you can have it or continue watching what you had by turning the picture into a small square. Of course you have the other option of stretching it out to fill the screen, adding about fifty pounds to the actors and knocking off a few inches off their height.

I of course could go into a little bitch about broadcasting important basketball and football games on channels only available on special expensive cable packages.

I only hope I'm not the only one that's a little p___ed at cable.

1 comment:

An Old Dad said...

need to watch only movie channels w/o commercials. Or you can use become an all star remote user flicking between 2 or 3 shows at a time and missing all the commercials!!